Telegram CEO Pavel Durov revealed that the messaging platform has intensified its crackdown on illegal content, just weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to prevent criminal use of the app. Durov shared with his 13 million subscribers that Telegram had deployed artificial intelligence to remove problematic content from its search feature, which had been exploited to sell illegal goods.
Durov also announced updates to Telegram’s terms of service and privacy policy, clarifying that the platform would now share user details, such as IP addresses and phone numbers, with authorities in response to valid legal requests. This move underscores the platform’s commitment to maintaining its integrity for nearly a billion users, according to Durov.
Durov’s arrest on August 24 at Paris’s Le Bourget airport came after he was charged with multiple counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content. He was released on a €5.6 million bail but must remain in France during the investigation and report to police regularly.
Since the arrest, Durov has implemented several changes to Telegram’s moderation policies, signaling a shift toward complying with regulatory demands. In early September, he announced modifications to the “people nearby” feature to promote legitimate businesses instead of bots and scammers.
Durov concluded by reaffirming his commitment to making Telegram’s moderation practices a model of effectiveness and compliance.
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